Corporate Client Services 

Investment Fund Platform 

Family Offices Services 

State-of-the-art suite of fintech products

Creatrust offers a comprehensive suite of fintech services aimed at streamlining fund management, investor relations, and corporate operations. Creatrust‘s flagship platform, FundNav®, serves as a one-stop hub for investor communication, capital call management, and document sharing. Intradomus® enhances this ecosystem as a secure and accessible digital filing cabinet, while FundWire® provides versatile treasury management solutions, including multi-currency transactions and regulatory compliance features. Together, these platforms create a seamless, integrated experience for investment managers, investors, and corporates, reinforcing Creatrust's position as a leading provider of digital financial solutions

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Experienced administrators

Creatrust serves as a one-stop-shop solution, providing invaluable advisory services. Leveraging their in-depth understanding of Luxembourg's, as well as international legal, regulatory, and fiscal landscapes, they assist promoters in choosing the optimal structure for their projects. Whether you're a Corporate, Promoter, or a High Net Worth Individual, Creatrust guides you through the intricate processes of incorporation, ensuring compliance and strategic alignment from the get-go.

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What people say about us

"Let me say thank you again for your professionalism at all times, and for all the help and support over the past few years. It’s been a pleasure working with you, I mean it."

"We also want to say thank you for everything over these last few years as we have been very happy with the product and service provided"

"I wanted to thank you for your efficiency in finalizing this file. Your excellent work confirms all the respect I have for the Creatrust team. If I have a chance to bring you a case, I won't hesitate for a second!"